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amoskowi's picture

So I found the quote I was

So I found the quote I was looking for on Thursday's class about the painting of Eggy. It's on page 39:

"Although the picture's luminosity conveyed a feeling of transcendence, I found it unsentimental, not one of those pictures that turn children into the objects of an adult's false romantic projections."


And from that point on I wondered whether Eggy as a character was, when it came down to it, one of those false romantic projections. She's quirky, certainly, and she as a character doesn't fall into the literary trap of always offering just the right insight without even knowing it because of her innocent view of the world. She's not what you would think of from a standard idealized child- she's too random and aimlessly playful for that. But at the same time she's never bothersome, and really, all 5 (6?) year olds are going to be at one point or another. She's always charming, really, a dynamic but an unflawed character. I was wondering if others then found this moment about the painting to be one that reveals Hustedvt's own flaws with creating this character? Is it then hypocritical for Hustedvt's to include this comment about the "romantic projection?"

Don't get me wrong, I love Eggy. :) I'm just wondering about her role. 


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