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epeck01's picture

alone together

After reading the pg. 301 passage, I did not think twice about Erik's momentary change of mind.  Maybe this is because I often find myself in similar situations.  When one is stressed out, or just worrying in general (as Erik is throughout the book), I think it is natural to find moments of unity, clarity and humility.  Snow is so wide and all-encompassing that it creates a feeling of being alone in the world.  Coupled with being alone, comes the idea that everyone is alone, and therefore the oneness of being alone.  Erik feels alone throught the novel, so when he makes the fleeting realization that everyone is together in being alone, he is at peace for a moment.  Although I think this is a normal reaction to beautiful moments in nature, I think that it is fleeting and that sadly, Erik will soon be back to his normal lonely state.


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