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i've been preoccupied with the concepts of lateral inhibition and corollary discharge lately. My concern: How does understanding these terms in a neurobiological sense shed light onto seemingly analogous, broader socioloical issues.

Lateral inhibition and the checkerboard seem to imply that our vision and the way we conceive of others is based off of a primal, edge-biased mode of perception.

as a means of distinguishing between self-generated and external stimuli,  Corollary discharge seems relevant to meditations on time and memory in art and philosophy. For example, Hollis Frampton's film, "Nostolgia,"demonstrates the impossibility of pure recall. Any time one recalls the past, one must simultaneously be of his present. Memory seems to function as a corollary discharge mechanism that must attempt to salvage data while futilely asserting that data as distinct from the perceptual realm of the present. With all its all its concomitant stimuli, the present is always already slipping away itself as memory just as another memory was called to mind. 


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