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Percival52's picture

Diversity, Efficiency and Learning.

I absolutely had the same idea from our class on Thursday. The world we live in is organized into sections of leaders and followers, teachers and students. We said in class that human behavior doesn’t have a conductor. There are several processes working in conjunction with one another. I can’t remember if we decided that some Pattern Generators are more important then others, but I imagine there is a hierarchy even within our bodies. Diversity is a wonderful thing but the more there is doesn’t necessarily translate into things being better. Looking at the body, there is incredible diversity in the types of cells and chemicals running through our blood but if diversity would be allowed to run rampant then it we wouldn’t be able to function. I think this extends to human behavior. We talked about people walking across a green until a path has been worn into the grass. I think that this type of behavior is shared among humans because it is the efficient thing to do. Efficiency is one of the corner stones of survival and learning is certainly another one. Our society is set up into section of leaders vs followers and teachers vs students because it a good way to learn. If everyone had to learn everything on their own from experience it would take forever to learn something new and any one mistake could be fatal.


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