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coordination over one coordinator

Our last class made me think about diversity. About how our body can interpret things differently and the function of it according to coordination and cooperation instead of there being one coordinator. There does not seem to be one “self” once “essence” directing the rest. Then I started thinking about the world and there does not always seem to be this trend in society.

We have the president and the people, we have the teacher and the students. They all seem isolated from each other, not coordinating, assuming to be the knowledgeable compared to the one learning. Why is there this set-up of a “leader” and “followers”? I have always looked for diversity, the more the better, when people start to agree things become boring. This is why I did not particularly like high school, because students were treated as little kids that could not possibly have something interesting to say.

I really like diversity (even if it causes problems, culture shocks, distrust and forces you to move beyond what you know), but sometimes I’m afraid we are losing our diversity. It seems at times that all this sharing of ideas, globalization, making more efficient and productive use of our resources only ends up blurring out our differences. People seem to afraid of their differences and there therefore do not talk about it. Your individuality is your private matter and the better we melt the melting pot together the better. Languages, traditions; diversity, will it continue to exist?


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