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Sam Beebout's picture

body language

I was wondering about the same types of movements along with things like breathing or blinking, all of those movements that are necessary and we don't usually think about. I had a nerdy memory from high school biology when we learned about how the digestive system works and it similar to the way the worm moved because its all about a wave of movement and pressure causing contractions of muscles down the line.

I am wondering whether our body language, and facial responses, are a "symphony" already programmed in because so much of it is unconscious. I know that there are some facial emotions that are "universal". At the same time thinking about emotions and body language confuses our discussion last class because although we may all have the some of the same indicators of how we are feeling, the level of emotional response and the triggers for these responses vary so much from person to person. Personalities are different, cultures are different, etc. 

I'm not sure if reafferant loops apply to body language and facial emotions because these types of responses are something we are often not trying to control and something we are also not always in control of, unlike reaching out for a cup on the table or playing the piano. Although its not the same thing, metaphorically emotions are more like a wave, an uncontrollable momentum that fuels itself rather than our more controlled movements. 


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