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Last week, we spoke about

Last week, we spoke about the kinds of stories that "we" idealize. Another question asked was "why didn't anybody tell me" that scietists are unsure and full of conjecture. Could it be that the scientists' views of self, purpose, and intent has "evolved" from that of an extreme view of objectivity to a more subjective idea of these purpses? The idealized story of science and the scientist is one of fact and certainty. Though this is not true, it is what we idealize as a society. It is a forced binary which can be meant to simplify things into categories which don't actually exist. Is it truth or conjecture, science or humanity, biology or english, man or woman, male or female, black or white? Where is the love for what falls in between? It might be that it is just easier (or thought to be easier) to make everything fall into a blanket category. Though a deep understanding of this has been harbored by individuals on their own, as Darwin (and some before him) harbored his own views of the origin of species, putting such truths and understandings into the hands of the general public is a somewhat daunting and possibly impossible task.


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