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skhemka's picture


     There are so many things about Darwin and his story-telling that can be put up for discussion. One of the things that made me decide that On the Origin Of Species wasn't just another story is the "underlying sense of caution" which makes a reader think that there is more to the book than just the "story-telling".Darwin takes the utmost care in writing this book and making sure that it isn't offensive to anyone. He makes sure that no scientist or botanist or any such expert feels offended. He keeps saying that he takes into consideration the accounts of all the esteemed and highly valued experts. And here is the irony because even though he tries his best not to offend a few people , by writing this book he alienates a whole group of people and goes against their "system of belief"! So Darwin being cautious was not of much use because his writing is still under a lot of controversy.

     I think the success of what Darwin was explaining through his book depended a lot and still does on personal views. Does an individual want to hear that he/she is only a "successful variation" and has come to be so due to natural selection? Or would that individual prefer to be the descendant of some magical creation of a supreme being called God? The choice to believe in either in upon an individual and the views that he/she finds comforting. A person cannot believe in both the views. In order to believe in one view he/she has to give up belief in the other view and this is a very difficult task for most people since both are stories and one of them helps reinforce belief in something greater than oneself and the other one removes that same belief.




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