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amirbey's picture

the origin of species

Reading the “On the Origin of Species” was quite a tough task because I found it a bit boring, and sometimes very repetitive.  Darwin uses a lot of examples in order to sustain his theory and observations, and since I already have some background in the field of biology, I saw myself skipping some examples and notions when he was trying to explain his discoveries.  Also, it has always been hard for me to understand right away a text, even in my native language which is French, and I am therefore very glad that we base our classes’ lectures on the explanation of the essential parts in Darwin’s book.  I had also a hard time understanding where this class was going and it was on the last Thursday that I realized that it was evolving, at the same rate evolution would be evolving, with some natural selection, representing a selection of topics and explanations.  As the discussions go on, we evolve in our knowledge and understanding and I am really starting to enjoy the way the class is taking!


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