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Scientific Method and Descartes

The linear method we were all taught in grade schools I believe was appropriate for use as a learning tool.  Many of the labs throughout grade school were not there to make you think about the scientific theory behind the lab topic, but to learn lab techniques and prove something at that current time.  Sure eveything changes over time and something that might be true one day might not be true the next, but at the same time there needs to be some results or there would be no grants given to science.  I believe there is a difference between the loopiness and the linear models, and they both serve their own individual purpose with the loopy model building on the linear model.

When it comes to Descartes theory, I 90% agree with him.  I've always been a firm believer that many aspects of your behavior are caused by the physical stimuli affecting your nervous system.  In many ways I believe the nervous system has power over the mind, because the nervous system can ultimately shut down the mind, through disease, injury, depression..etc.  I've also been a strong believer in sports about the physical aspect of the game over the mental aspects.  At this point I agree with Descartes theory, but I'm sure as this class progresses I may change my mind to another theory, such as Emily Dickinsons.   


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