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skhemka's picture


This class has so far been a really new and interesting one. I came to the class without any clue as to what was expected of me or what I could contribute. I am still figuring that part but the lectures and the discussions have got me thinking about science and literature now.

I have been thinking about how stories and science go together and I cannot come to think of any place where there isn't a story. Science isn't as factual or rigid as it seems. In my opinion even a lab report is telling a story. A story about the person who thought of working in the lab with certain things. Those certain elements that form the "experiment". The failures, the tension, the struggles and the successes of the person(s) are involved in making that lab report and that is a story. That lab report is only edited enough to remove the personality from it and thus hiding the story to the rest of the world but that does not mean that there isn't a story there.

Now coming to the reading of the poem "O Captain, My Captain!" which I found really fun because it reminded me of third grade where we were made to read poems together so that we learned to get into sync with others and increase our coordination. But I would have never guessed that the poem was about Lincoln, it seemed more about some young, passionate and daring explorer's death. Being told that it was about Lincoln just made us re-read the poem and search for clues or hints that would link to Lincoln. But it was all a matter of being told, because if someone would have told me that it was about " Alexander the Great", I would have searched for clues to prove that!

As for puns, I am not sure this is like a good one or that it even is a pun but  here it is. I am indian and in the morining i was walking with two of my other indian friends and we were all wearing red jackets. So someone called out and was like,"You all look so red today." and so my friend replied by saying, "Yeah, we are red Indians". This is my contribution to the puns.



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