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In our last class, we

In our last class, we discussed the differences between literature and science. I find it interesting that the general view of science writing is formulaic and stilted –only meant for scientists and their colleagues. I find this contrary to my own view of science writing; I see it as a way of presenting science in an understandable and interesting way. Take a look at Mary Roach’s Stiff and Spook, or any one of Oliver Sack’s books; it’s anything but like reading from a lab manual.

Also, I've found it interesting that many people are ready to compare President Obama to Abraham Lincoln and other past presidents. Isn't it a little early for that? Obama has promised change from the Bush administration, and that's certainly what America needs right now, but nothing has changed yet. President Obama hasn't even been in office for a week and we're already melding his image with Lincoln or Washington (the cover of the lastest New Yorker). The U.S. has a tough road ahead of it. Things are not going to change instantaneously. Let's be fair and give Obama some room for error; things are hardly going to be perfect over the next few years with the current state of our economy and the country as a whole.


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