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mcurrie's picture


Our first discussion with Professor Grobstein was probably one of the most eye opening discussions I have every heard.  After conforming to the scientific process taught to me since elementary I was a little uneasy thinking outside of the box.  After each explanation of what science "stories" were, being inconsistent and untruths I kept questioning what does not fit? For instance I know that organisms grow and get bigger. Is not not a truth that has been proven? Or is there another "story" that disproves this truth.  I guess once my world becomes turned upside down when hearing the opposite of what I have been told I get worried.  I feel that we need to comfort of knowing our so called "truths." Like I know that the sun will come up or that the skies will clear after a storm.  Or even that there are no monsters under my bed.  To hear that these are only stories that can be disproved takes away my comfort.  Maybe the benefit of reaching outside my comfort zone I will be able to figure out things for myself and asking the questions that make me uncomfortable. 

In our second discussion Professor Dalke again made me question what I have been taught.  When talking about Lincoln I always think about elementary school.  When I was young my teachers would tell me wonderful things about Lincoln, Columbus, Jefferson, etc.  All of the people that inspire others.  I placed each one on a pedestal until I learned in middle school that Lincoln never thought of abolishing slavery, Jefferson had a mistress, Columbus enslaved the Indians and all of my pedestals crumbled.  When comparing Lincoln and Obama, I don't see the similarities yet.  Obama has only been in office for a few days and still has time to leave his mark.  I feel that it's wrong to compare Lincoln and Obama just because they both are from Illinois.  Then we enter into poetry.  To me I am not very fond of poetry and do not like trying to figure out the meaning.  I like to read poetry but not analyze it.  With poetry because there is no definite meaning I feel that it lets people down.  There are some that like to have a clear understanding and meaning to things and with poetry there is never one meaning.  Poetry is then avoided in order to avoid straining ones brain and getting a headache. When reading O Captain! My Captain! I at first just believed the poem to be about a ships Captain.  After our discussion I could see the evidence of the poem being about Lincoln but I also think the poem could be about anyone.  I feel that the poem could be a tribute to anyone that was a mentor to another, whose loss would be felt by many.  Whoever has inspired or aided you in becoming who you are, this poem is for them.  I can't wait till our next class after reading some of Darwin's work.



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