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aybala50's picture


This was the first time I have ever read the 'Captain' poem and it did not occur to me at all that it could be about Lincoln and as a matter of fact, it upset me when I was told it was about Lincoln. In my mind this poem was a more personal experience than a kind of connection to a former president. When the poem was being read, I was thinking about people I respect and love that have fallen. The whole poem, to me, was a metaphor and all that I had to do was apply it to myself. 

Because of this I want to say I don't like it at all when I am told what I am supposed to get out of a poem. I would much rather enjoy poetry by making a poets work my own by relating to it. I know that the poet wasn't talking about anyone I know, but does it really matter? Why does a poet write? To be read, maybe, to convey emotions, to make a point... I love reading poetry, but only if I can betray the ideas of the poet and make the poem my own. So, I was very much disappointed that the poem was not mine, but rather was Lincoln's, as evidence seems to show so. 


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