Submitted by iwaldron on Fri, 07/10/2020 - 11:04am.
The Teacher Preparation Notes for the Haloferax version of this activity provide updated information about how to obtain Haloferax. The cheek cell version of this activity includes an explanation of how soap breaks down cell membranes as one step in extracting DNA from cheek cells; the Teacher Preparation Notes now include suggested resources to teach about how handwashing with soap can help to prevent the spread of the coronavirus by breaking down the viral envelope.
2020 revision
The Teacher Preparation Notes for the Haloferax version of this activity provide updated information about how to obtain Haloferax. The cheek cell version of this activity includes an explanation of how soap breaks down cell membranes as one step in extracting DNA from cheek cells; the Teacher Preparation Notes now include suggested resources to teach about how handwashing with soap can help to prevent the spread of the coronavirus by breaking down the viral envelope.