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mpottash's picture

My Feminism...

1) My feminism includes the belief that women need to break out of the hegemonic patriarchal system.

2) My feminism inclludes the belief that we need to break down traditional gender categories.

3) My feminism includes the belief that there are inherent differences between men and women.

4) My feminism includes the belief that third world suffering demands action, even when this action is seen as paternatlistic or imposing.

5) My feminism includes respecting a woman's choice to love and care for one child over another becasue of her poverty-stricken situation.

6) My feminism includes the belief that what is "best" for women is culturally dependent and that each culture's version of "best" must be respected.

7) My feminism includes the belief that colleges and unversities should fund women's studies programs.

8) My feminism includes the belief that education is obsolete if it does not involve the goal of starting a movememnt for some kind of social change.

9) My feminisim includes the belief that everyone, regardless of gender, race, culture, etc., should be included at all levels of society.

10) My feminism includes the belief that there cannot be an all-encompassing definition of the word "feminism." 


In trying to decide what would would do as our final presentation, we were thinking about the ways that the course has helped us to develop our ideas of feminism, and how these ideas have changed over the course of the semester.  By asking the class to participate, we wanted to a) get everyone to think about how their views have changed, and b) show the degree of personal difference in defining feminism.  The wording "My feminism includes..." is significant because it does not limit a definition of feminism, but rather acknowledges the idea that a person's definition of feminism can have multiple, varied aspects.  


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