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What I found interesting

What I found interesting from this reading is the idea that "children's task is not to become like their parents but to fit into their peer group, for it is among peers that alliances must be formed and prestige garnered" (21). In a way I agree with this statement and I see it occur in our society today because especially for adolescents, "social life" is a big part of their lives and a lot of people are influenced by their peers opinions and views. So if a situation comes up, your gut feeling would probably be the same as your peers. However, after much thought and reflection, your opinion may differ and have a moral reasoning and explanation. 

I think this relates to my topic because growing up near NYC, my peers barely had any sympathy for the homeless and would not take time out of their schedule to even help out. I was one of those kids as well but after I volunteered at Soup Kitchens and other places, my perspective on the homeless has greatly changed.  


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