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Who are you Zadie Smith?

I think that Jean-Paul Sartre's "fact" that "We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are" is very important in our discussion of “On Beauty” I think in fact it describes Zadie Smith and the situation that she is in.  In Prof. G’s class on Thursday we discussed what we actually learned about Zadie Smith from on beauty the list was short; she is extremely intensely emotional, she hates ivory towers, and there is sex ALL the time!  We also could not figure out what the heck she was trying to say and how she was linking to Howard’s End.  We just weren’t sure; does this mean Smith isn’t sure?  I think she did set out with a goal and how she wanted to portray her self in her writing I just don’t think that she accomplished it, maybe as Sartre says she doesn’t know who she is yet is responsible for what she is and how she comes out in her writing.


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