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ryan g's picture

You're absolutely right

You're absolutely right about the opportunity to understand the issues that others face.  I find that it has been one of my greatest challenges in this class to try and conceptualize how it must feel to personally deal with a mental illness or to have a family member who is dealing with one.  I find it especially difficult because on top of my lack of experience, it is usually something that you cannot even see, unlike a broken leg or a bruise.  As you noted, many people hide their struggle from others.  I apologize if my comment came off as blunt or thoughtless.  I was trying to record my gut reaction, first thoughts from viewing each of your images.  This particular image, at the time of viewing, didn't particularly connect with me - probably because I am at a stage of my life where I am pursuing my academics with a different type of purpose than I have in the past.  However, I have not always approached my studies with enthusiasm and in particularly trying times (last week) I can relate to this image more.  


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