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According to Schwartz in

According to Schwartz in order to "allow for serendipity"  we need to stop evaluating all the choices and experiences in our life so that we can be suprised by"unexpected pleasure". Although I agree that things are more enjoyable when stumbeled upon by accident, I don't think it is possible for someone to literally evaluate every choice or every experience in the first place. Throughout the article Schwartz discussed the difference between a maximizer and a satisficer, but as shown in our class poll no one is a true maximizer. I don't it's to consider every choice or every ramification that goes along with that choice. Because of this I think it is very possible for a maximizer to experience some form of serendipity due to the fact that all peopl (maximizer, saticficer, or in between) leave room for things to happen by accident.

While applying for college this past year I was set on going to Georgetown and had never heard of Bryn Mawr let alone considered applying. It wasn't until I received a brochure in the mail that I decided it wouldn't hurt to apply. Serendipity lead me to this school and I think I am happier because of it.


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