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Serendipity plays a huge role in my life. The phrase "all things happen for a reason" is something I live my life by. Just when you don't expect something to happen, something amazing could happen. Some people think serendipity isn't real or its all coincidences, but some things can't be explained. Like the one day you go to the grocery store and Curtis Stone the Chef from Take Home Chef on TLC) is there to offer you a gourmet meal. Or how about the stories where someone by accidently sold a book with a beautiful note written in side and looks through all second hand stores until they find theirs again. Everything happens for a reason to me. 

Serendipity for me plays a huge role in my life because to me it makes me want to try new things because who knows what could happen. Serendipity keeps me wondering.  The first lottery ticket I bought was on my 18th birthday. I was of legal age to buy a lottery ticket, and I won 50 dollars. Some may call that luck but it was just purely meant to be. 

What do you think, is it luck or serendipity?  




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