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Dawn's picture

The Reality of Other Possibilities

I really like the statement made by Kessler and McKEnna: "Confront the reality of other possibilities, as well as the possibility of other realities." RIght now society forces us away from this idea, because nearly everhting in our culture is gendered. Paul Grobstein's story of science and the allusion to multiple sexes relates to the reality of other possibilities (than male and female). I wish that collectively humans could recongnize this, because then we could get closer to the understandin of the possibility of other realities (people identifying as something outside of the dichotomy.

Another idea I'm interested in exploring was from Butler's essay: "All gender is an imitation for which there is no original." This is a good point, because ther eis no perfect template for what Male and Female are supposed to look and act like. Therefore, how does society have so much sway in enforcing hte dichotomy?

I really admire Kate Bornstein for reissting the gender divide and living his/her life in a state of real-world gender fluidity. Is this really what we are aiming for?

Questions for Alex: When did you make the decision to transition?

How/why did you make the decision to transition?

How do you feel about Califia's claim that he didn't really aim to be a socially cultured male; he just didn' want to be female?

Do you feel the need to make sure that you pass?

Are you a feminist? Why or why not (what does that word mean to you)?


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