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akaltwasse's picture

who knew my fifth grade health teacher was kind of right?

In every health class I've had (in the fifth, sixth, eighth, and tenth grades, and now, kind of, wellness), I've learned that health has three realms: mental/emotional, physical, and social.  Wellness, in turn, is the balancing of these aspects of health.  An unwell person, therefore, is imbalanced in these three spheres.  As painfully boring as health class was for everyone at my school (when we weren't making "health shields", we were being told how many diseases you would get if you ever had sex), I have to admit that our health teachers (gym teachers, really) were going somewhere with this theory.   If your physical health is poor, it can influence your mood and feelings.  If you aren't getting out enough or socializing as much as usual, it will probably affect your emotional health.  In the instance of severe depression, your emotional health can even affect your physical health.  So health is not just about seeing a doctor, eating right, and exercising-- it's also about staying happy and interacting with the world.


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