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abhattacha's picture

Affluence is inevitably

Affluence is inevitably accompanied by the heady desire to have it all and the misguided conviction that one can do so . In the health domain , this mind-set translates into not just ministering to the body's needs as and when they arise , but in a preoccupation with the labyrinth of preventive healthcare . The Holy Grail being health and wellness and longevity .
This in itself is not to be derided though it would be naive to hope that the body , a machine like any other , would not inevitably succumb to a certain amount of wear and tear with use . Where concern with well-being is on shaky ground is with " the flip-flop " of modern science where the whole point of science is self-doubt . To HRT or not to HRT ? To statin or not to statin ? Regular health check-up or not ?
The stakes - human life - are high and one can't be too careful . But too much analysis can lead to paralysis and defeat the very objective of the analysis in the first place .
Call it what you will , but making an informed guess/taking "a leap of faith"/"erring on the side of prudence"  might just be more fruitful in the long run . Though this is a path fraught with peril even for an Oriental fatalist !


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