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lwscott's picture

It would take somee time...

To me, human nature can be almost interchangeable with instinct. Human nature is what comes natural to us humans; what actions are normal for us. Human nature and human nature involving eating are two different issues. But considering the title of this class, I believe human nature in terms of eating is determined by how you're raised.

Eating is how humans survive. It is how we receive energy and nutrition. Humans were born with teeth in order tear and rip our food apart so that it can be digested more easily. The human body needs the amino acids found in protein in order to be healthy and prosperous. If our bodies need protein and our teeth are designed to chew tough things then isn't it our human nature to consume the things that provide with this essential nutrient. Yes there are other ways to get protein but I have heard about many vegetarians that lack nutrients because of their choice to not eat meat.

If human nature is like instinct it would be very difficult to change. If it's something we're born with and grow up with it will probably the same amount of time to change it as it did to be used to it. People say elderly people are impossible to change. They're just too old. If you start at a younger age, kids are more susceptible to change. If you're trying to change human nature on a global scale that could millenniums.  



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