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lrperry's picture

re: Relapse

I worry about this definition of feminism because it seems like it leaves alot of people out - particularly allies. Can men never be feminists?

The position of an ally seems important to me in any political movement, where someone who has the power (whether because of their race, class, or gender) works with the people who don't have the power - not in a patronizing "i'll lead you out to freedom" way, but in the way of "here i am, how can i help with what you are doing?".

I remember the story of the political science major at BMC (Caitlin, she graduated two years ago), who walked into her local WAWA in Philly and saw that they had a sign that said "No Head Scarves Allowed". She asked them if she came in wearing a head scarf, if they would refuse to serve her. They said yes. Caitlin was a white woman, of no religion or culture which involved head scarves, (so she would, analogously, not have a woman's body if this issue were about feminism), but she went to her local mosque anyway. And she said "I'm here, this issue really upsets me, how can i help?".

And I think any version of feminism that doesn't allow for people like Caitlin, people who are committed to working with the movement's goals despite the fact that they do not share all of the attributes of the core group of the movement, is one that leaves too many people out.

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