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Ayotola Oronti's picture

Mini-Grant writing for Inquiry Institute

Specific Aim / Goal: A few sentences on the educational goal / outcome for your students and you made possible by equipment/supplies puchased with mini-grant.

My goal is to have my students learn using the inquiry approach through areas of interest and engaging them appropriately. Students today will be fascinated by the ability to do things that help them learn in the classroom.

Also. I will like to have a point of reference for my colleagues in my school. If I am able to put some of my class activities on the video, it may be convincing to my administrator and other teachers to incorporate inquiry learning in the school.

Proposal: Brief description of how you plan to use the equipment in your classroom to reach your educational goal.

I will like to use the flip camera to

  • model activities and instructions for my students.
  • show my colleagues and administrator the workability of an inquiry-based classroom.

Equipment: Description of the equipment you plan to purchase.





Pure Digital Flip Mino 60 Minute Compact Video White Camera @ $169.00

Soft Case @ $14.99

Tripod @ $20.99

Power Adapter @ $19.99

USB Cables @ $19.99


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