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Susan Dorfman's picture

Susan's Grant Proposal

Grant Proposal for 2008 Institute for Science as Interactive, Interdisciplinary Inquiry

Participant: Susan H. Dorfman

Specific Aim / Goal:

There are many anatomical/physiological concepts that are difficult for 12 to 13 year old students to personalize. They can memorize the details, but it becomes evident that they don’t understand the concepts underlying the processes when challenged to extend the learning to other processes or organ systems. Model building enhances the learning process and can be extended to include virtual as well as three-dimensional models. Using HyperStudio software, students build models in the computer lab. Using various materials, students can build three-dimensional models. At this age, the most engaging learning is the kinesthetic activity of using their bodies to model anatomical structures and the physiological processes specific to the structure. The recording of student enactment of the path of blood through the heart is only the first example of how the flip video camera will enhance learning in the Middle School Biology classroom.

Students appreciate a demonstration of the techniques that will be employed in a lab activity. A visual prompt serves to reduce anxiety creating an environment in which students can enjoy even the most complex lab activity. The flip video camera will allow me to create tutorials of labs that I can post on the course website. Both Middle and Upper School students will benefit from this additional pre-lab experience.


The students in each of my sections of Grade 7 Biology learn the parts of the human heart and the path of blood through the heart. Students work in pairs to create an animation of the path of blood through the heart using HyperStudio software and directions created and refined by me and a member of the technology team at The Baldwin School. Each class will then have the opportunity to organize a visual presentation of the path of blood through the heart. They will choose/assign parts, create the script, choose costumes, practice, and perform the skit for parents and other grades (lower and upper school students) studying human anatomy. Video recordings of the skit will allow the students to refine their performance through critique and discussion among the actors, and therefore enhance the learning process by a kinesthetic activity with instant feedback.



Pure Digital Flip Mino 60 Minute Compact Video White Camera @ $169.00

Soft Case @ $14.99

Tripod @ $14.99

Power Adapter @ $14.99

USB Cables @ $14.99


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