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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
Project-Based Models
Yes, Alan I am in agreement with your thinking process! I actually have focused on this most important connection to be my work for this summer. Although I know from experience that Project based models are fantastic to initiate students’ development of deep understanding I am newly charged with aligning the pieces within the project that correspond to individual student success. I know that students will produce a product that is very different from the original science content that was offered within my class. I can examine their perception of the content based on the product as well. The really excellent part is that I can now continue to “web out” the project’s ancillary components. I will align them with brain constructive processes in an extremely thoughtful manner that targets necessary features for teen brains.
I am very excited about this approach and will happily work on it during the summer. In addition this gives me new information that explains the methodology to administrators and parents. In particular, it justifies what I thought was a downfall but now see as constructive rather than subjective assessment.
I am matching what I currently have in my projects to necessary brain engagement as well as sparking meaningful constructions. I will attach my Periodic Table Game Project (about 14 pages) in my blog as well as the connections within the project to my constructions gathered in The B&B Institute.