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LuisanaT's picture

The behavior of the week thus far

One thing we all need to keep in the back of our minds when Grobstein is teaching his lectures/discussions or when we are left to explore our own interests is that the k-12 teachers are, for the most part, more students than they are teachers. It is important to emphasize the slight social and mental differences that can effect one’s approach in the classroom/lesson, which I feel is lacking when conducting this kind of institute.
I feel as though this institute has failed to explicitly address the great concerns surrounding teacher’s behavior and especially their subconscious behavior towards their students. One way to resolve the tension found in these teachers and Grobsteins expectations of this institute would be in focusing in more on the social ramifications that have come from disregarding such things like neurodiversity, students behavior, and, because it is often not given enough attention, the teachers own behavior.

I’d like to suggest Grobstein change his wording in a way to better lead the (teachers) students to the implications of the brain to (for their purposes) student’s behavior. What has been done in this institute thus far is introduce fundamental concepts of the Nervous System that can eventually be applied to student behavior. But because this connection is not always clear, it would be helpful if Grobstein mentions the middleman between the understandings of the brain and the class, that being the social implications from brain functions that leads one to better understand/accommodate to a student in a classroom.

Brain→ Nervous SystemThe Individual→ The StudentThe Class.

Here is a little visual representation of what I feel should be covered explicitly throughout the Institute where both extremes have been addressed unequally from the rest. I would like to see Grobstein make a more conscious effort in crystallizing the entire thought process to satisfy everything that falls under BRAINS and BEHAVIORS. For with this slight change in the way the institute is conducted, the discrepancy found in what a teacher can potentially get out of this institute can be better handled.


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