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Mindful reflections

Within the past week I’ve been of 2 minds (so to speak), in my consideration of our B&B workshop. The first and perhaps most crucial is how the material can impact my classroom via my development of new strategies in order to advance my teaching practice. The second is my own growth as an individual, by increasing my knowledge and advancing my humanity skills.On the first day I scribbled a list in my note of my observations on student priorities in a classroom. Today I made a list of my priorities and compared them and found a some insight in the task.
Student Priorities Teacher Priorities
Social interactions Exposure to new teaching strategies
Having FUN Gain insight about the teen brain
Being able to MOVE around Formulate new ideas, plans to implement
Wanting to be entertained or surprised, something that they’ve not seen before. Learn new things that have nothing to do with teaching but that interest me.
No work involved Make new contacts, friends


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