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bronstein's picture

reflections on the first week

1. I have had a feeling from time to time that the course could move faster to include more content delivered at a faster rate. However, after this mornng's discussion, I realized that sometimes need the discussion to clarify and deepen my undestanding of the concepts being presented. The difficulty, then, is to determine which principles need more time and which can we move through faster. Further, is there a way to determine if all those in the class feel the same way about the same principles. (Probably not.) If there are such cases, it would enable you to speed thru certain concepts and have room, then, to include more material.

2. I, for one, am always filtering material using the phrase "Can I use this?" or "Where can I use this?" or "How can I incorporate this knowledge into my lessons or techniques?" I am very pragmatically motivated . . . and I try to think that the kids brains work the same way. So, my problem with some parts of the course is that I tend to listen only half-heartedly when the topic concerns something I can't see the purpose for or of . . . unless I find it interesting on a purely intellectual basis.


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