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LuisanaT's picture

Looking at Varenne's response to Grobstein

I would like to argue that believing self-interest has to be coupled with the "examinations that are the prerequisites to entry into full adulthood" and successfully strive towards greater equality and liberty is underestimating the ambition students today have simply to learn and inquire. This idea is not putting enough faith into student motivation. For, it is a teacher’s job to compose different lesson plans and material to spark their student’s interests and try their best to sustain it by guiding, not to be confused with pulling, them along the ladder of the educational system.

To place even more responsibility on the hands of the teachers, it is very important that they introduce the students to the maximum amount of different studies of life in order to maximize the amount of students that eventually gain a keen interest in a certain area of study. Maintaining the motivation in both the students and teachers alike I feel will definitely overcompensate for the lost of the "altogether violent need for examinations." Public schools can still prosper even if the institution itself is not specialized to meet highly specific interests of only certain individuals; the fact that it allows students to exercise their minds in a productive way is what really counts towards being an effective institution. If anything, the "peripheral institutions of interest" can refer exclusively to the last level(s) of education.


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