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Sophie F's picture


I have really enjoyed our ongoing discussions. More than anything, my thoughts about human behavior have been expanded to include a greater sensitivity to and understanding of the nervous system role in shaping human experience. From our class foundation of the expansive Emily Dickinson view of the mind as residing within the brain, we have come full circle. The breadth of examples both within humans and other organisms of the relatedness of the boxes within the nervous system and their role in giving context and meaning to experiences. The ways in which inputs to the nervous system generate outputs and, too, how outputs can be generated without inputs simultaneously demystifies human experience and explains the variability in perception. Particularly, the areas of pain, specifically chronic pain, and other nervous system compensatory mechanisms make more sense than when the semester began. The ways in which the nervous system integrates conflicting information and how the I-function mediates reality. I like the idea that the I-function can create and overcome realities, as realities are just a best guess.

Thanks for the thought-provoking dialogue.


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