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I agree with what Felicia said about one of the only things that is universal about morality is that most people have a moral code.  I think that purpose of a moral code is to govern our actions and help us choose the action that coincides with the moral code we live by.  However, the specifics of that code are very individual and although different groups adopt the same general ideas there is still always individual variation in those groups.  I think this variation is important because it makes sure that one group will not always be persecuted since the variation will allow for acceptance of everyone.  


I believe that morals are meant to help guide people to choose the “right” action, therefore I think it is very interesting to think about how people choose the “wrong” action.  Perhaps as one of the articles stated, people choose “wrong” when they put their own needs ahead of the group needs.  However, I think this is problematic because not all morality deals with ensuring group or self survival.  If your morals tell you to act one way and you actively choose to act another perhaps by changing you actions you are actually redefining your morals or those were never your morals to begin with.  Perhaps for this situation the morals you currently have no longer fit with your own developed sense of right and wrong so you are changing your actions and your moral beliefs will also change.  Rebecca asked if you are most moral when opposing the group, however if your morals are developed by society than are you acting immoral when you oppose social pressure?  In this case, can you do the right thing and also act immoraly?


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