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James Damascus's picture

Corrolary Discharge, Gait and Musical Preference

I really thought this was interesting article on motion capture technology, which is directly related to our discussion of corollary discharge and central pattern generators. I wonder, though, just how much of our unique gaits are affected by conscious choice and learned patterns of behavior (for example, youths walking a certain way in urban areas or models walking down runways). If in fact our walking patterns can be changed to fool pattern recognition software, would return to our "set point" walking style once we stop consciously manipulating our strides? If so, is this controlled solely by corollary discharge?

Although brain activity has been monitored while listening to music, and different types of music can produce different sensations (experiences) in different listeners, I don't think the specific pathways for different musical variations (sounds or patterns of sounds) are known to the extent that we could label this aspect of individuality a byproduct of corollary discharge. I think the best we can do at this point is suggest that there is a physiological (material) basis to "musical taste" and that variation between individuals' neuronal arrangement is responsible in some part for differences in musical preference (there are different kinds of feelings-ex. elation-provoked by different types of music). Clearly, no two people can have the same experience (no two nervous systems are identical),. Further, if Emily Dickenson is right, then all aspects of individuality originate from some difference in neuroanatomy.


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