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Zoe Fuller-Young's picture

I think that the problem we

I think that the problem we have all had with finding a defiintion of the "I" function is because we all understand it as a different kind of "box." For me, the I function is our control, perceived or not, over our behavior. It is the box that we constantly discuss in class and feel we have not concluded quite yet, such as free will and desicion making. My opinion in the beginning of class was that regardless of whether or not other animals of varying capacities have an I function, but that humans seem to contain a particularly large I function.

As a few discussed above, we know that humans have the capacity to control certain behavior that is perceived as natural, or reflexive. Therapy and meditation can teach us to change our thinking patterns and ways of interpreting the world. Perhaps this does not mean that we interpret input differently, but rather we have changed our CPG or corollary discharge. Recently I heard that the Yoga instructor at Bryn Mawr was in a car accident, and she says that in the split second before the accident occured she realized it was going to happen and therefore relaxed her entire body. Her car was totalled, but she walked out of the car unscathed because she had somehow worked against what seems a panic reflex, and relaxed her muscles. Does this seem plausible? What does this say about her I function, CPG, etc?


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