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Miscellaneous updates

How to Tell If We’re Beating COVID-19. This 7-minute video presents a very helpful and informative analysis of exponential growth and deviations from exponential growth that indicate effective actions to stop exponential growth in some countries. (

Suggestions about how to safely grocery shop and receive package deliveries (

 Science Take-Out from RTNN 

RTNN is pleased to announce a weekly microscopy program for your quarantined viewing pleasure. Science Take-out will begin at noon on Tuesday, March 31st. Each week, Dr. Holly Leddy will explore a different theme using both a light microscope, a portable scanning electron microscope, and the support of RTNN technical staff. We’ll broadcast all sessions live and answer your questions. Join us for some take-out science as we explore the world at a much smaller scale. To learn more, please visit the Science Take-Out (Maude Cuchiara, PhD, Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network,, (919) 515-6171)



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