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The Persistence of Writing (due 2/11)

The Persistence of Writing

Burkdall, Thomas, PhD. "The Persistence of Writing." EduCause Review Online. EduCause, 28 May 2009. Web. 7 Feb. 2014.


            I found this piece because the author, Thomas Burkdall, was acknowledged by the author of the mantrafesto.  I found his piece interesting because of my recent thoughts on academia’s tradition of how was interpret, validate, and receive knowledge as students.  I also enjoyed his acknowledgement of multimedia, and its ability to add dimensions into one’s work—either to provide clarity and/or add more complexity to one’s work.  He also discusses memory, stating that it is “bri-colage of memories and meanings”—this also made me think of my way of thinking… I realized last semester that many of my convictions and beliefs are strong, but also subject to change do to the constant knowledge I am receiving—not only in school but also lived experience.  I am a bri-colage, a collection of art/work from a diverse range of influences, but I feel that often times I am not able to express myself in this way at Bryn Mawr. (Only with Anne!)  I am questioning  the way we measure and validate intellect and “academic” thought?


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