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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
I love these structures, and love the multiplicity of them. I like, too, the notion of inviting each of the students to adopt--or create--her own structure, in order to organize her experiences in the course; you'll see on the syllaship, just after fall break, I've suggested that--as a mid-semester course evaluation--each individual designs/redesigns this freshman writing course within the rubric of urban play, and that we then collectively re-orient will be fun @ that point to see which structures (of those you list above, or others that the students generate) seem to be most used, and which are most robust....
I note, too, that "A" -- to the west/east/north/south/top/bottom/within--privileges "without" (6 directions of the 7); that "B" -- see/hear/taste/touch/feel/intuit/remember--ditto (5 of the 7); and that "D" -- ancient/geological, precontact/aboriginal, early, colonial, industrial, post-industrial, virtual--similarly privileges the historical. Does this indicats that our class may be privileging the external and historical over the internal and virtual? I'm asking this because of a dinner table argument last night about whether Snowden is "stuck" because he can't get out of the Moscow airport--if he has virtual access to many secret things, maybe geographical location doesn't matter so much...?