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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
Seven Journeys.
Given. One structuring element of the course is seven trips to the city, between September and December. Possible Structures:
1. to the west.
2. to the east.
3. to the north.
4. to the south.
5. to the top.
6. to the bottom.
7. within.
1. See
2. Hear.
3. Taste.
4. Touch.
5. Feel.
6. Intuit.
7. remember.
1. Line
2. Grid.
3. Landscape.
4. Crossing.
5. Spiral.
6. Collapse.
7. Border.
1. Ancient/Geological
2. Precontact/Aboriginal
3. Early
4. Colonial
5. Industrial
6. Post-industrial
7. Virtual
E. (parlor game)
propose a 7 part structure.