Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!
Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
exploring liveable spaces
I was delighted, this week, to meet with Nell Anderson about offering this class as a Praxis I/ Exploration/ Developmental course--Praxis I Departmental Courses provide opportunities for students to explore and develop community connections in relation to the course topic by incorporating a variety of activities into the syllabus, such as: field trips to local organizations, guest speakers from those organizations, and assignments that ask students to research local issues---
VERY nice! to have the financial support, of course, to pay for our multiple trips into the city.
But also most wonderful to be invited by Nell to think (even!) more expansively about what we are up to.
In line w/ some of her ideas are a few others received this week....
So great to have so many colleagues to think-along-with!
from Alice Lesnick: Making Cities Liveable: Community Hubs
from Jeff Cohen: The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces