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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
playing along
this looks like such play-ful fun! so cool to see the process laid out like this, both over time and then also in the funny depth-space of online-ness and the multidirectional space of cities. i'm intrigued by the way city moved from people to place, and a back and forthness here seems to run through. and speaking of running through, love the impulse toward movement, and specifically women's movement, which happens to coincide with a wonderful discussion i had with a student y'day about gender and space and dance, and a crazy impulse i'm having to learn/do some dance -- and she was telling me about a dance teacher, jasmine, who works in bi-co and i think also in the city... all inspiring toward starting to think about my play course n 360, thanks!