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Notes from Minecraft
Complexity -- not evident to neophyte
Skilled players add complexity!
Content v process, skills
self-directed -- or what kind of display board is their interest?
How diff people use the same tool
value of hearing what people are passionate about
confident in speaking
They learn tangible things
tools but do things for themselves
games link to scholarship -- an asset
creativity -- what you can create is limitless
pedagogical community around it
large variety of skill sets -- how provide access to all
incorrect information -- worry about type of information - guiding you towards failure
Notes on small groups:
learning the tech vs. using the tech. Where do students get the computer skills they need?
Role of computer classes in education field
changing job of teachers (both computer sci and other subjects)?
What is educational? "Since you are on Justin" -- get points on math site
personal choice of students
personalizing their computers (not just school logo) -- ownership
Idea of not being up to date with technology . . .
if it's not broken, don't fix it -- time to learn about it and its full functionality . . .
quantity vs. quality
portfolio of computer skills -- basic competencies