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My opinion of Christopher McCandless

Into The Wild

I must state my opinion and view of Mr. Christopher Johnson McCandless and his adventure ”Into The Wild”

McCandless to me, was a man of intelligence, but not intelligence of nature. He had book smarts. He seemed to be curious of the outside world, wanted to know what it was like without the money, without the everyday standards or stereotypes,without the constant battles to prove yourself to others,he just wanted to break away from it all and experience life being at peace with himself and the world. He wanted to get away from “society” as it was/is.

I believe he found what he was looking for. I also believe he didn’t intend to stay gone forever, whether his expedition ended by choice or not.

I do not think he was on a “suicidal mission” as others assume. I believe he intended to do as he had before, take a break for a while, collect himself, then return just as he had before. He may have known what he was in for, and that gave him even more of a drive to do so. He was being told he couldn’t do it, that it wasn’t safe, that there was no way he could survive on the limited knowledge and gear he had with him when he left. I believe that was his final drive, he was being told he “cant” so he went on his mission to prove everyone wrong. Which in a tragedy, failed.

He made a mistake, which happens, and like most mistakes, his was learned the hard way.
I dont belive he wanted end his life alone or scared, let alone both. Who does?

Remember he tried to return, but saw that the river was too rapid and harsh. He left himself with no choice other than to turn back to what he knew was safe at the time being. He most likely had the intention to try crossing the river again in just a few weeks. How was he to know his life would end before being able to attempt the river a second time? How was he to know that (mind you he had no knowledge of the river or the surrounding areas) that there was a stock-house for hunters, or even a pulley basket/bridge just a few miles down the river. Granted there were many ways he could have made it out, but in the state of mind and body he was in, how do we know that he did NOT try any other times? Because his journal doesn’t recall any other attempts?

He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Not knowing how to get out.

If only he had taken the time to wise up on nature, before he dove headfirst into it, he may still be alive today, to tell this amazing story himself. Even if so, would it be as amazing if he had came out alive, as it is now, ending in tragedy?

Christopher Johnson McCandless may the life you lived have been to the fullest and to your satisfaction. In death I wish that you continue to reach your goals and dream as big as you did in life. You’ve got cajones man! ;P
May your body rest in peace and your soul continue to explore the world just as you were set to do.

Thank You for your life. Without it, people wouldn’t have anything to bicker or argue about. Some wouldn’t have the drive to accomplish goals. And most of us, wouldn’t “reach out and grab it” when wanting something in life. Critics wouldn’t have anything to criticize. Instead people sit on their asses and argue about one mans beliefs and goals, and inspirations, while trying to teach their children to “go for their goals” to ”find something in life that makes you happy and do it”. How are we to teach our children one thing, but down another man for doing exactly what we are telling our children to do? Christopher McCandless had dreams, he went for them. Sadly his outcome ended horrifically. Unhappy, Alone and Scared.

Many people have many views, but only those who have open minds can respect the choice you, Christopher, have made in your life. Only you know why you set out to explore as you did. Many questions circle around your name on a daily basis that will forever go unanswered.

The greatest teachers in the world are ourselves, and you have taught us a great lesson, that will never be forgotten.

“Happiness is only real when shared”

The man deserves the utmost respect just as every human being does, remember him for who he was, not how he died.


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