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I had to reply because the

I had to reply because the end of your story is 50% of why i'm googling this subject, i'm trying to find a reasonable way to wake myself up if i start to wonder from my bed in the middle of the night..I'm surprised but a little comforted to know it happens to so many people, but i was hoping i could find a scientific explanation as to why it happens, not just "alcohol" as a reason. For me this always happens if i drink right before going to bed. So far, i notice if i'm drinking one night but i stop an hour - hour and a half before bed it won't happen, but i never have any recollection of waking up and peeing on something, i find out when i find moisture lol. This also never happened before and im in my 30's, i've had plenty of black out drinking nights or drinking till i get tired and go to bed (even though i'm not even close to blackout, just tired) in my lifetime and have always been fine, but lately its become problematic.

And whats really mind blowing to me is, apparently im drunk enough to piss in a random object but somehow im coherent enough to do it with enough precision that i dont get pee anywhere else but what im aiming at.. Left work boot 1 week, then again 2 weeks later, an ashtray, coffee cup, etc, and each time there wasn't so much as a drop anywhere else around it, and thats what scares me. I woke up once to my bare feet on cold concrete and another time woke up to the sound of a friend calling my name from another room as i was topping off the ashtray for the second time. but that ashtray incident i hadn't even gone to bed yet, i just remember feeling tired so i started getting undressed, i turned the lights off and then im hearing my name with an ashtray in my hand and the cigarette butts floating, with no time loss in between..

This behavior, although seemingly common, is not "normal".. imo it is a sign of some other underlying problem. Unfortunately, i doubt scientists and doctors are doing tests to find a correlation between people who piss-sleepwalk and develop "xyz" disorder later in life. People who say, "this is normal you just need to control your alcohol consumption" are being too dismissive because even though alcohol seems to be the trigger, it is not the gun..


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