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Sleep walk or possessed?????

So yesterday evening me and my boyfriend had a few friends round for a bbq n had a few drinks and had a great boyfriend doesn't really drink that much so he had a few just cause the drinks were there in front off it got late and our friends left n we went to bed at around 10.45pm....both fell asleep with our kittens playing on our bed as they always do and at bout 1.30am I woke up to him playing
With me...but because it was late I rejected him n turned over....and hour went by I turned
Over and he wasn't I looked around and froze at what I saw...he was stood rockin back n forth at the end of our bed with his eyes wide open staring at me for like 15-20 minutes I couldn't move I was literally frightened....I called his name and
No answer...tapped his hand n he jumped n fell onto the bed for bout 10 minutes or so he woke up n asked me for a drink so I got him one and his eyes were glossy and looked different??? Has anyone ever experienced anything like this cause he has never done that in the time we've been together and with the way he was staring at me makes
Me fear for my safety; now I don't know why but that is the instinct I have at the moment...any help will do thank you in
Advance xx


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