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first pee experience

Last night my boyfriend of almost 4 years drank like 3 bud light limes, he wasn't even drunk. we ended up falling asleep together and although I was sober and didn't drink anything i don't really remember falling asleep with him or having him fall asleep either. i woke up to the sound of water spilling and i sat up and felt around on the bed for my boyfriend and he wasn't there. i didn't know what the hell i was hearing, the room was pitch black. i turn on the light and that was the lAST thing i expected to see. i saw my boyfriend peeing all over his wall and his door and his shoes and his xbox, like swinging his penis around and i got up and i said oh my god what are you DOOOOOING he just looked at me and mumbled and started laughing. he sat on the edge of the bed and took his socks off because i guess they were soaked with piss. then he tried going back to bed and I'm over here like confused at hell to what the hell he is doing but i clearly understood he was unconsciously peeing probably sleep walking. he is a very clean person. i said you are going to go to sleep with pee all over your thingS? why did you just do that? and he's not answering he's just laughing away like a hyena so i started laughing. he grabs a pair of his clean jeans and throws them on top of the piss puddle and goes "THAT SHOULD SOAK IT UP" then goes to bed. while laughing. i cleaned his pee while he went back to sleep then told his mom what happened. i thought it was hilarious. completely abnormal. funniest part is when he went to sleep laughing like he didn't just pee all over his things lmfaooo. he has no recollection of it at all. i hope it doesn't continue to happen but it was still so funny. i was just glad i wasn't the target


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