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Just like the other visitors on this forum, I too have done some weird & embarrassing stuff after falling asleep from having too much to drink. I always remember everything up until bedtime. But after I fall asleep, I turn into someone else and I have named her Debbie. My husband tells me all about her and I hate her. Here's what I know about her:

*1st time she made an appearance I wasn't even 21 & at a friends house and he was the only person that I knew there. We all partied, had a good time but by morning, my friend took me aside and said "Did you f***ing pee at the bottom of my stairs last night?!" I was floored he was even asking me this and replied "Hell f***ing NO!". He said his friends told him I got up at some point, popped a squat and sure enough the floor was wet. I seriously thought his friends were a bunch of dicks and convinced him they were lying and that was that. But the next instances will prove me wrong.

*I have 3 brothers, the oldest has 6 kids and I was at his house. Got piss drunk with his wife and was falling all over the place (not in front of the kids, they were either in bed or at a friends house). I wake up the next morning naked from the waist down and a little throw pillow covering my "woo-who" area. Sat up and immediately stepped in a wet spot on the floor and said "What the F***?!" Immediately I hear laughing and look over and see my sister in law cracking up. I rush my pants on while she told me I had just stripped down, popped a squat, peed, and laid back down. I guess her covering me with the pillow woke me up. Got out of there before all the kids woke up. I was mortified!!

*When I 1st started dating my husband, (you'll have to ask him why he married me) he woke up one night to me violently manhandling the blinds on his bedroom window. He says, "What the HELL are you doing?!" I replied in a really bitchy tone, "Trying to open this F***ing door, I have to pee like really bad!". He directs me to the bathroom but goes back to bed and I close the door behind him. He hears a loud sound and comes back into the bathroom and sees that I was peeing in his bathtub but fell backwards and hit my head on the tile wall.

*After we got married, my husband woke up to me turning on the closet light, I walked in & closed the door behind me. He was convinced I was going to pee so he came in after me but said I had taken off my shirt and was twirling it around my head like I had just won a soccer game. He tried to direct me to the bathroom but I just went back to bed instead.

*I initiated sex a couple of times without any memory of the romp the next day.

*The night of my bachelorette party, my friends paid for a hotel room after a night of barhopping. I woke up naked from the waist down. Mortified, I was convinced I peed somewhere. Tried playing it off to one of my friends (to get the story), jokingly asked if she raped me and luckily, all I did was get out of bed, dropped the panties (in front of everyone) and crashed again. Never found the "wet spot" (wink, wink!) so I was relieved. Some people would be embarrassed about just dropping the panties but when you know you are capable of much worse, that's nothing!

Beer, that's what did it to me each time. I no longer drink it and haven't had any problems since. I can see why the significant others are so bothered by this. I too would hate having to witness this weird stuff from a loved one and then having to clean it up because they're too wasted to comprehend what they just did! Luckily, my husband hasn't had to clean up pee yet and finds my antics funny. But, it takes a patient person to put up with this crap. The person doing this either needs to quit drinking or party at home with someone who doesn't mind babysitting their asses all f***ing night.


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