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That really sucks. :/ But no,

That really sucks. :/ But no, of course you're not causing it. It has nothing to do with you.

He sounds like a jerk, but that aside, you're going to have to prove to him that he's sleepwalking. He's a jerk for not listening to you about that; he could conceivably do something like get in his car and try to drive. I don't mean to scare you, but that happens.

Is he on Ambien? Ambien does sometimes cause sleepwalking; if he's on Ambien, he should probably discontinue it and try another drug like Lunesta or Rozarem instead.

I'm so sorry he said those things to you. I don't know all the things he's said, but I wanted to say that the porn-related comment may not have had to do with what you look like. I hang with a lot of guys, talk to a lot of guys, and end up interviewing them about their attitudes on this stuff. Guys' affinity for pornstar women often has FAR less to do with looks than with sexual attitudes and appetites. Women in porn are always wanting to have sex, willing to try exotic sexual activities, etc.; from what I've gathered, many guys wish their partners would be more sexually open and would desire sex more often. Don't feel like he's saying you're not attractive enough, because that may not be what his unconscious sleepwalking brain meant to say at all.

Clearly, though, his sleep-talking comments are doing nothing to help your desire to have sex with him.

He sounds like a jerk, and I can't shake that vibe. Maybe it's time to move on, especially if he's too inconsiderate to believe you about the sleepwalking.


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